AppStudio 6.0.6 released!

We’re pleased to announce AppStudio 6.0.6 is ready. New and improved stuff includes:

  1. Bootstrap: Alert no longer dismisses if nondismissible.
  2. Bootstrap: ID added to header element of input controls.
  3. Bootstrap: Input – Class property now applied to outmost wrapper.
  4. Bootstrap: Input control now styles inputType ‘File’ properly.
  5. Bootstrap: Input: add inputType of ‘color’. Not supported by all browsers.
  6. Bootstrap: Textarea expands to fill stated height of the control.
  7. Controls: Modal form contents now have maxWidth of 90% of the form width.
  8. Controls: Modal forms now default to a zIndex of 1000, appearing above all others.
  9. jQWidgets: Checkbox – use onchecked event, not onclick.
  10. Libraries: AddToHomeScreen – revert to older version.
  11. MakeEXE: Libraries updated to making Windows exe files works again.

Download the latest version from ‘Check for Updates’ under then AppStudio Help menu. It is a free upgrade for AppStudio 6 users.