NS Basic/App Studio 1.0.3 released

You can download it from the same URL as before.

  1. Code Window: Case normalization improved.
  2. Code Window: Some functions beginning with i were not highlighted.
  3. Deploy: Manifest file simplified.
  4. Deploy: Problems with samples running offline fixed.
  5. IDE: Images in properties no longer require quote signs.
  6. IDE: New project defaults to last directory used.
  7. Samples: All samples updated with new manifest.
  8. Translator: Errors are handled gracefully.
  9. Translator: form1_onsubmit fixed.
  10. Translator: Function return values fixed.
  11. Translator: Set a=b fixed.

The manifest is simpler now: all it needs in it is your own files, if
you have any. The rest are taken care of for you.