AS7: The new Snackbar message

Ever want to give your user a quick message about what he is doing? The Snackbar message is an easy way to do so.

It displays a message with an optional action. The message stays on the screen for a few seconds, then fades away.

It’s only available if you are using Bootstrap 4.

The concept of a Snackbar message originated in Google’s Material Design.

It’s easy to code.


Function Button1_onclick()
  Snackbar("This is a warning about something.", "more?", snackBarDismiss)
End Function

Function snackBarDismiss()
  MsgBox "Closed!"
End Function


Button1.onclick = function() {
  NSB.Snackbar("This is a warning about something." , "more?" , snackBarDismiss);

function snackBarDismiss() {