AppStudio and jqWidgets

We’re happy to announce a partnership agreement with jqWidgets. It’s in the form of additional documentation, extra support and discounts for using one product with the other. jqWidgets Ltd. provides controls for building professional web sites and mobile apps. It is built entirely on open standards and technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. jQWidgets …

AppStudio 7.0.4 released!

We’re pleased to announce that 7.0.4 has been released. It has some new features as well as usability enhancements. It also fixes issues people have reported. Controls: BS4 Label has new LabelStyle and borderRadius options. Controls: DataTable now includes extensions, including buttons, responsive, scroller and fixedHeader. Controls: Flexbox properties added the Container, Header, GridRow and …

AppStudio 6.2.4 released!

We’re pleased to announce AppStudio 6.2.4 is ready. The biggest change is a real obfuscater. It’s in option in Project Properties to turn your deployed code into absolute gibberish. You won’t be able to read it – nor will almost anyone else: There’s a discussion on the web board for more information and to …